Is the title of the Stage Paper introduced near the Ca� Foscari University of Venice. The Thesis is available in format zip and Html.
Is the title of the thesis introduced near the University of the Studies of Perugia. The Thesis is available in format zip and Html.
Is the title of the thesis introduced near the University of the Studies of Turin. The Thesis is available in format zip and Html.
Is the title of the thesis in Economy of the Job introduced near the University of the Studies of Naples. The Thesis is available in format zip and Html.
E-Procurement Evolving in Europe
New thesis on the Unitec case introduced near the university of Naples "Parthenope". The Thesis is available in format zip and Html.
Trasformazione della fisicit� di beni in informazione logistica condivisa e cooperazione coordinata di attori economici industriali concentrati in un'area territoriale definita.
Outsourcing, Supply Chain Management, New Economy, Distretti Industriali, E-Design ed E-Procurement.